The age of our audience is male teenagers and young men. To attract this audience we had a female victim. It is could be seen as stereotypical and sexist but it a female victim does attract a male audience.
Are thriller is not scary but leaves a sense of ambiguity with the viewer. What has this women done? Who is watching her? What relevance do the child and other female character have to the story?
This makes the audience edgy about what is happening and thinking about what is going to happen in the film. Our title is very different to most thrillers as you have some sort of idea what is going to happen. This may not intrest people as much but at the same time the story Would certainly not conform to what would an audience would expect.
It's not only the camera that is voyeuristic, the audience is to. Throughout the opening the audience sees the parallel of jessica in the park and the stalker watching Facebook all through the stalker or attackers perspective. The audience is almost placed in a position of responsibility, they want to warn the girl and the child on who is watching.
The famous film advertising company 'Pearl & Dean' surveys films and sees how the audience can relate to other films and furthermore predict what the same audience would enjoy. A great example to compare our audience too is that of the film 'SAW' this was the average results of the audience that came to see the film. From this we can further develop the point that most of our audience would be male.
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